Office 365

Why Migrate to Office 365?

The world of enterprise is growing so fast and last few years there are lot of innovative inventions in the technology track. On those lines, one of the emerging technology is O365 introduced by Microsoft has made a way for changing on how business work.

In this article, I will be listing down top reasons on why we should be moving to O365 from the traditional applications.

Forget about the server maintenance – O365 is cloud-based technology providing flexibility to integrate with your company’s On-premises solutions. Microsoft offers services to the client as Infrastructure as a service and software as a service resulting in no maintenance of hardware and software. This will let company’s not to worry much on hardware and Software maintenance resulting in low cost and resources.

scalability – O365 grows as your business grows. It offers to pay as per your need. In times of applications requiring more data storage, O365 will automatically increase the data storage and charge on that additional storage from the time its increased and the at the same time, on low utilization, data storage will get reduced.

Location independent – As it’s entirely a cloud-based solution, Office365 offers to work from anywhere when you are connected to internet. It has the capability to allow user to create, modify and delete files/emails from any place or device in real time by just connecting to the internet.

collaboration is key – For a business to be successful or while working in teams, working collaboratively is key factor for success. Office365 provides the capability to contribute or edit spreadsheets, word documents, presentation etc. at the same time, everyone can work on same version of file instead of creating different files. Versioning is an added benefit for maintaining documents while working in teams. It will allow collaboratively conferencing meetings and bring everyone into one voice or video call via. Skype application.

Up to Date – As Office365 is a cloud-based solution, software updates are up to date, resulting in accessing the latest versions of applications with no much of hassle for software updates.

Security capability – In today’s world, everyone looks for data security as a key focus. O365 offers security coupled with applications for protection of company’s data. It’s in cooperated with below security features for all the apps that is offers.

  • Data Encryption – This will enable the messages transferred on internet are encrypted and can be opened or read by only intended user with no data loss.
  • Threat Analytics – with the advanced threat analytics capability, it will alert for any suspicious activity observed on any of the devices or user in real-time.
  • Data loss prevention – Real-time monitoring of data by safeguarding company’s data.

Feasibility per user – Based on the usage of applications, it can be limited to one user or all. This can be managed very ease with no much of hassle.


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